Publications and conferences
Come meet us at SPIE Photonics west 2025, 28-30 January, Booth #1665
Diffractive optics in the service of quantum computing- trapping atoms with Diffractive Axicons
Products and Applications
New Product launch- Variable Depth of Focus Bessel Objective for glass cutting
This full optical solution can generate a waist of 2um over an adjustable range of 0.08-1.8mm (in air), enabling cutting of different glass thickness with the same optics. The variable DOF objective can accommodate different input beam size while still maintaining the same waist diameter over different DOF ranges , making it ideal for laser glass cutting process development. Green and Uv wavlength customization options are a available in addition to or standard IR solution.
Contact us for a quote or more details.
Upcoming Product: Double sided cylindrical lens arrays with improved homogeneity
Technical Tips
Using DOE tuner for fine adjustments of the shape or input beam
To get the best performance out of beam shpaers, precise adjustment of input beam size is often required. Standard variable beam expanders often have large ranges of 1X-X8 magnification, making fine adjustmet challenging . For this purpose, Holo/Or offers our DOE tuner. This continous magnification module can be adjusted between X0.8-1.2 magnification, enabling fine control of the magnifcation and optimal shaping perforamnce for TH shapers placed after the module. It can also be used to fine tune the output from the beam shaper, enabling adjustment of the shape t ocompenstate for system tolerances such as EFl variabilty.
Contact us for a quote.